General Data Protection Regulation

Privacy statement

This web page contains information about why and how we collect and process your personal data in the Lidice Memorial and what personal data are involved. Here you can also find how to contact us with your questions about the processing of your personal data and about how to rectify or erase them.

We process your personal data provided to us by you only if there is a legal basis to do so or if it is justified on account of our activities.


Why do we collect and process personal data?

Stipulated in its Foundation Charter, the mission of the Lidice Memorial, is to preserve the lasting memory of the obliteration of the village of Lidice and the hamlet of Ležáky. That is the basis for all our activities: organizing exhibitions, educational events, collections as well as cultural and sporting events, publising and many others. We inform the public about such activities at our website, social media pages and in the media.

To provide such services, we often need personal data of our employees, visitors, co-workers and companies we enter into contracts with. We may provide such personal data to our contractual processors, usually the webmaster, nevertheless, we neither sell personal data nor otherwise use them commercially. Moreover, we are under legal obligation to provide some of the data to public authorities.

The data processors we co-operate with are bound contractually to maintain the same routine in work with personal data as we do.

The table below shows the type of personal data we need for specific services, what is the reason for processing such data and how long we keep such data.




Record-keeping period

Reason for processing

Visitors of public events (exhibition openings, cultural events, concerts, commemoration events etc.)


Period necessary for the promotion of the event

Promotion of activities organized in fulfilment of the Foundation Charter

Visitors of guided tours, educational programmes etc.

Name of the organization, address, Company ID No, Tax ID No., contact person, email and phone no. of the contact person, number of visitors etc.

10 years

Fulfilment of the Foundation Charter


Name, address, date of birth, nationality, phone no., email, intention of the researcher or the institution the researcher works for

Statutory period according to the record-keeping and document-shredding rules

Law on archives


Entrants of the International Children's Exhibition of Fine Arts


Name, age, gender, address, email, phone no., name of the teacher, their email and  phone no., address of the school


For the term of the competition


Justified interest – performance of activities on the basis of the Foundation Charter: administration of the competition, publication of the catalogue, providing information at our own website

 Entrants of the contest Lidice for the 21st Century

Name, address, email, school, date of birth, name of the teacher, their email and phone no.

For the term of the competition

Justified interest – performance of activities on the basis of the Foundation Charter: administration of the competition, publication of the brochure, providing information at our own website

Entrants of other competitions, shows and events in art, poetry reading, singing and sports etc.

Name, date of birth, address, or as the case may be, email, phone no. / name of the organization or association, contact person / in case of workshops with accommodation also the state of health of the underage participant and contact details of family members

10 years

Justified interest – performance of activities on the basis of the Foundation Charter: administration of the events, publication of catalogues or brochures etc.

Participants of workshops for teachers

Name, address, date of birth, or as the case may be, insurance company, phone no., email

10 years

Justified interest – performance of activities on the basis of the Foundation Charter: administration of workshops, organization of few days' stay, transport etc.

E-shop customers

Order data, name, address, phone no. (contact details are provided to the contract carrier)

10 years

Purchase of books and keepsakes

Donors – contracts of donation

Name, address, date of birth

Statutory period according to the record-keeping and document-shredding rules

Justified interest: entering into contract

Borrowers – contracts of borrowings

Name, address, date of birth / name of the organization, address, name of authorized representative

Statutory period according to the record-keeping and document-shredding rules

Justified interest: entering into contract

Service providers

Name, address, date of birth / name of the organization, address, name of authorized representative / Company ID No., Tax ID No., banking details

Statutory period according to the record-keeping and document-shredding rules

Justified interest: entering into contract


CCTV video record

7 days

Justified interest: property protection

Newsletter subscribers

Name, email

Till cancelled

Justified interest: direct marketing

Job applicants in open competitions

Data provided in the CV (name, date of birth, contact details, details on education, experience etc.)

Not kept unless the applicant is taken on or gives their consent (e.g. for future approach)

Filling vacant positions



According to personal questionnaire

Statutory period according to the record-keeping and document-shredding rules

Entering into employment contract, performance of the job

Co-workers working on the basis of agreement to complete a job or work, temporary workers

As per agreement to perform a job / work

Statutory period according to the record-keeping and document-shredding rules

Entering into agreement, consent to the processing of personal data with the software OK mzdy / Helios

wedding guests

name, surname, wedding date, telephone, email

while presenting on the wedding board in the Rose garden

Justified interest: presentation of the Lidice Memorial and its activities

guests staying in the accommodation facilities of the Lidice Memorial

identification data (name, surname, date of birth, citizenship, identity card number, period of residence) kept in the guestbook and in the administrator's information system and in the case of foreign nationals may be provided to the Foreign Police

6 years

In accordance with Act No. 326/1999 Coll. and related amendment of 18 December 2015 Act No. 314/2015 On the stay of foreigners, the landlord must keep a house book. In accordance with Act No.565 / 1990 Coll. The landlord must keep a register of local fees, in which he writes personal data of guests


Also personal data other than those mentioned above may be processed if you give them to us voluntarily along with your consent with their processing.


Personal data of children

If we need to know personal data of children participating in our art and knowledge contests, we always ask their parent / statutory representative for consent.

Storage of personal data

We store personal data in both material (paper documents) and electronic form. The paper documents are stored in the buildings of the Lidice Memorial and the Ležáky Memorial. To ensure security of electronic data, we use our own servers and backup media. This service is outsourced from the company Beránek, spol. s r.o.


The Lidice Memorial does not use cookies on its website.

Your rights in connection with personal data protection

You are entitled to ask for information on what personal data of yours we process. You have the rights to request rectification or completion of your personal data, restriction of the processing of your personal data, portability of your personal data, information on violation of the protection of your personal data, erasure of your personal data and other rights set out in the relevant laws on personal data protection.

If you wish to know what personal data of yours we process, or possibly take some of the steps mentioned above, you can make a request using contact details in the paragraph "Data protection officer" below. In your request, please, list the specific pieces of information and modifications you request. The itemized information you are entitled to receive is to be found in the General Data Protection Regulation, Arts 13 and 14. We are obligated to identify you either electronically or, if it is not sufficient, by your submitting a proof of your identity at the seat of the Lidice Memorial. This is the only way to eliminate the eventuality of your personal data being provided to an unauthorised person. Your request will be dealt with as soon as possible but no later than 30 days after the request has been made.

In some cases we are not able to make rectification or erasure of personal data. A typical example of such personal data is the documents we are legally obligated to archive.

Data protection officer

The data protection officer at the Lidice Memorial is Jana Chourová Plachá,, phone no.: 312 253 702

Right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority

Anytime you are entitled to file a complaint with the supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data or a failure to fulfil the obligations of the controller under GDPR. The supervisory authority is the Office for Personal Data Protection, residing at Pplk. Sochora 27, 70 00 Pague 7, www.